저처럼 코감기, 재채기, 비염으로 고생하는 분들을 위한 진짜 꿀팁! 비염오일 ‘프라나롬’>_ 2023년 9월 25일 by admin

저는 오늘 인스타그램 코리아 이벤트 때문에 제주도로 갑니다!

지난 10월 스톡홀름에서 인스타그램 스토리에 무심코 올렸는데 이미 50%가 알고 계시고 50%가 궁금해하셨어요!
코 밑에 붙이면 잠이 오는데 도움이 되냐고 하더라구요 ㅎㅎ (우선 언니가 아이가 셋이라 당연히 프라나롬을 사용합니다.

브랜드는 알고 있었어요.) 사용법도 재미있고 참신하네요 !
코 밑에 바르고, 가슴에도 바르고, 먹기도 하세요>_ First of all, it's been a while (a public post) lol. What should I say, rhinitis in 10,000 units / Nose cold / stuffy nose / sneezing solution!
>_<*포스트 중간에 할인링크가 있으니 놓치지 마세요!
(저한테는 정말 한 푼도 안떨어지니 마음을 활짝 열어두세요 ㅎㅎ. 그 선물은 프라나롬 팀에 대신 드릴께요. 잘 부탁한다고 했는데… )

프라나롬은 모든 사람의 공익을 추구하기보다는 이런 분들을 위한 곳입니다!
(저한테 정말 정말 감사할 거라 믿습니다!
이렇게 ) 1. 비염이 있어서 다른 약에 대한 내성이 있어서 다른 약을 듣기 어려우신 분 2. 재채기와 코감기 3. 코막힘을 풀어줄 약이 필요하신 분 4. 겨울 내내 감기약을 복용하는 것이 좋지 않다는 것을 알지만, 치료할 계획이 없으신 분 5. 감기 후 약을 복용하지 않으시는 분 감기에 걸리시거나/ 걸리기 전에 면역력을 강화하고 싶으신 분 6. 계절마다 알레르기로 고생하시는 분 7. 의류 업계에 종사하시거나 계절옷을 정리할 때마다 먼지 알레르기로 스트레스를 받으시는 분 8. 점점 심해지는 미세먼지로 인해 기관지 관리를 하고 싶으신 분들 비염+알레르기 재채기+감기에 걸리면 늘 코감기. 3의 조합이에요. 상하이 살때 미세먼지 때문에 공기가 너무 안 좋아서 정말 안 좋았는데, 한국에 오고 나서 많이 좋아졌어요!
(한국 공기도 나쁘네요 ㅎㅎ. 더 안좋은 곳에 머물렀네요. 오니까 ㅎㅎ) __________________ 추운 계절 필수품 / 오늘 소개해드릴 3품목은 프랑스에서 감기약 대신 약국에서 처방해주는 프라나롬 품목들입니다 .

1. 비염, 호흡기기름, 감기에 콧속을 맑아준다!
솔루션 디펜스 2. 천연 공기 정화 스프레이 H1N1 독감 바이러스, 박테리아, 곰팡이 퇴치 / 공기 중 알레르기 유발 물질 제거!
뿐만 아니라 집안의 악취도 확실히 제거해 줍니다.

. 순한 천연 오일 / 솔루션 디펜스와 섞어 사용하기 좋은 아몬드 오일 _____________________ 프랑스 3대 약사 가문 프라나롬의 비법. Dominique Baudou는 할아버지와 아버지로부터 가업을 물려받아 3대째 약사로 활동했습니다.

1980년대 최초로 에센셜 오일의 효능에 관심을 보인 약사였으며, 세계 최고의 아로마테라피 석학으로 자리매김했습니다 🙂 *미세먼지 걱정 없음 *알레르기, 비염 악화 걱정 없음 *코막힘 없음!
재채기 방지*진짜 100% 유기농 인증 제품 YES*프랑스 약국에서 약처럼 판매되는 천연 호흡기 케어*No. 유럽 ​​약국 매출 1위 / 자연호흡기 부문 약국 매출 1위*프랑스 약사들은 이것만 있으면 기침이나 감기에 약이 필요없다고 알려주세요!
“11월 27일 일요일부터 12월 1일까지만 20% 할인!
” 폐점된 프라나롬 온라인샵 : https://smartstore.naver.com/pranarom 위에서 말씀드렸던 것처럼 이것저것 많이 구매하실 수 있어요!
전혀 돈을 벌 수 있는 것 같지 않아요!
ㅎㅎ (아니요 요즘 그런거 많아서 오해하실까봐 ㅎㅎ) *판매하는 건 아니고 프라나롬 사이트 링크라서 프라나롬으로 문의하시면 될 것 같아요 자세한 문의는 한국본사로 해주세요 🙂 02 517 2008 (위 사진은 런던 사진이에요!
10월에도 런던은 벌써 추웠어요!
) 제가 어렸을 때 친한 잡지 편집장님이 소개해 주신 제품이에요. 올해 1월, 2월 겨울에 재채기와 콧물로 고생했어요!
그 이후로 꾸준히 사용하고 있어요. 너무 만족스럽게 사용하고 있어요 🙂 처음 듣는 아이템이라 낯설으신 분들도 처음부터 이것저것 구매하실 필요는 없어요!
저도 솔루션 디펜스 작은 5ml짜리 한병 사서 나중에 더 추가했어요!
지금은 집에 30ml 보관하고, 가방에 5ml 넣고 쓰고 있어요. 작은 것을 가지고 다닙니다 >_< I always used the spray on my nose for rhinitis every winter, but not only did it not work well because I developed a tolerance to it, but I was actually a little scared because they said it was not good to use for a long period of time. So, for people like me, Prana Rom is a must. That’s right!
(I’m so scared that I’ve never tried those common diet pills… haha. People around me tell me to take some haha) In France, my nose cold is so severe that I can’t work, so even if I ask for regular medicine, the pharmacist tells me to spray Pranarom spray. They say they won't give you this medicine haha. In France, antibiotics are not used very often, and pharmacists are increasingly refusing to give regular cold medicine!
In fact, when I went to Europe, I went to a pharmacy and found Pranarom, an aromatherapy product, being sold like a medicine. They say this is because aromatherapy, like oriental medicine in Korea, is recognized as an alternative medicine. 🙂 There will come a day when Pranarom is sold in pharmacies in Korea too, right?>_!
Haha, I can immediately see a lot of improvement:) If there is anyone around me who suffers from rhinitis/frequent colds, I really have to recommend this!
I really recommend this to you. I was so grateful to the teacher for helping me so much and always handling urgent matters in an easy manner, so I just wanted to give her a light gift, but she had severe rhinitis. So my sister said to me, “Hey, you rhinitis people.” For me, this is awesome. I said, “I will definitely appreciate it more than any other gift,” so I gave this as a gift, but the teacher asked me where I could buy it so that my nose wouldn’t be clogged!
LOL After that day, I thought, Wow, this is a really great item for people with severe rhinitis. I don't have a very bad rhinitis, but I have severe allergic sneezing. Even in the middle of summer, when I start sneezing due to dust allergies, I sneeze once every 10 seconds. Then, when my eyes get hot, I feel sleepy for no reason and my condition gets bad!
I used to use a spray, but starting this year, I stopped using that and started using Pranarom. Also, it's good to use with Ascenic spray. It's good to leave in the car. Even if you open the window and close it, there are 500,000,000 pieces of fine dust left in the car anyway. Close the window and spray it. If you give it to me, it will be on the same level as the air in a French hospital’s treatment room!
Haha, only that car will be wrapped by the French hospital Aurora hahaha (Solution Defence Natural), also known as “rhinitis oil”, is famous among people with rhinitis!
I also found out about this and it really gave me a new life. It is no exaggeration to say this. A 100% highly concentrated essential oil solution that helps the body's circulatory function smoothly during winter and season changes. Strengthens immunity recommended by French doctors and pharmacists!
Don't think about it being complicated, just think of it as a nutritional supplement to apply!
Pranarom Brand Using only fresh herbs harvested from our own farm, Pranarom oil is the best medical grade oil!
So it is different from essential oils that you simply put in a diffuser and smell. It helps you breathe comfortably as it builds respiratory and body immunity. It helps you relax and is a must-have item for those who not only have rhinitis but also frequently catch colds!
“Use it like this!
” 1. Put a small amount in your bag and use it during the day!
Put a drop on a tissue or handkerchief and smell it. Apply it behind your ears and behind your neck!
(You can smell the scent by applying the oil like perfume to the inside of your wrist 3-4 times a day!
) 2. If you have severe rhinitis, stuffy nose, or sneezing, you can apply it under your nose for quick results. 3. Instead of cold medicine, you can apply Solution Defence Natural Oil / even take it with honey!
In Europe, it is said that taking 1-2 drops of Solution Oil is used to treat throat/nose colds. 4. Put 3-5 drops of Solution Defence Natural in your hand. Massage your chest and back twice a day, morning and evening. If you have a delicate skin type, dilute it 5:5 with the mild Pranarom Almond Beauty Oil and use it!
(If you find it difficult to apply it in the morning, be sure to do it in the evening!
) 5. You can also put the oil in a diffuser and use it!
One of the family members Even when you catch a cold, please use Solution Defense Natural Oil in the diffuser to prevent the cold from spreading 🙂 (Ascenic Spray) Natural air purifying spray!
This is also novel. It is truly the most needed item in this day and age. In France, in addition to prescribing cold medicine to cold patients, it is said that natural aromatherapy products are additionally prescribed to strengthen immunity and relieve symptoms. In the case of natural aromatherapy products, our body has a tolerance to them. This is because disease treatment and prevention are possible as there are no side effects!
A natural air purification/sterilization product used by French doctors in their clinics. Proven to be effective in removing flu virus H1N1, mold, bacteria, and allergy factors from the air. It also removes allergy factors from the air, preventing rhinitis. A must!
Completely removes bad odors in the house!
(Pet, cigarette, mold odors, etc.) Removes bad bacteria in the air that even air purifiers can't get rid of. My sister has three sons and has a 20-month-old baby, so when my son in elementary school catches a cold outside, Since colds can spread to the baby as well, I pay extra attention to the air!
So, spraying is very helpful to prevent colds from spreading. Also, no matter how thoroughly you wash your hands and feet after going out, fine dust will still stick to your coat and hair after you go out, so it is also useful in this case!
(Almond oil ) All of Pranarom's oils are good, but this time, I will introduce almond oil, which is the best item when used with Solution Defense!
100% organic vegetable oil that can be used by babies and pregnant women. A natural moisturizing film derived from nature. For delicate infants and toddlers. If you say that it can be used as a body oil for the skin, you know how good it is!
It feels light and refreshing, and helps improve itchiness caused by dry skin!
Almond oil contains highly unsaturated fatty acids, omega 6 and 9, and vitamin A. The best thing is that it causes fewer skin problems!
Also, many people change their body cream or face cream especially in winter when they need to pay more attention to moisturizing, right? If you have almond oil, you don't need to buy new basic care products, just use the cream you're already using!
And you can mix it with body lotion>_!
1. Use for delicate baby skin and itching due to dryness, 2. After using toner in the basic stage, gently spread on the face or apply lotion. Or, when using cream, it is good to mix about 2-3 drops and apply. 3. Face oil or makeup remover oil for oily or combination skin. 4. All-purpose oil that is also used as an after-shave brush when men shave. It would be a shame if there were no pictures because it would be too boring. Wow!
Haha, I was wondering what kind of picture I should post, but the house that I posted Pranarom on my Instagram story in Stockholm is my Swedish friend's house. They recently moved, and I moved there 6 days after moving, so I stayed in the new house that wasn't even cleaned up at all. Haha Maria wearing my brand YURI/YIM cape. One of my best Swedish friends is like family 🙂 Really, it was really useful. When I lay down at night and my nose is stuffy, I put it under my nose and when I lie down, my nose is unclogged. Thank you for the photo below. is Seoul!
What I'm holding in my hand is 30ml of rhinitis oil. 5ml is small, so it fits into a pouch or mini bag, so it's good for portability 🙂 More information can be found on the Pranarom website. If you're interested, you can read it all: ) I like all the other products tooㅜㅜGood brand. PRANAROM website: http://pranarom.co.kr/20% discount until December 1st (Sun): Closed https://smartstore.naver.com/pranarom Then I’ll meet you in 20000 Jeju Island!
>_< 인스타그램 @yuriyim